Atticus Collins was the C.A.O. ( chief animal officer) here at Art Paw for many years. This perfect little Scottie dog was the inspiration for our business and his influence on this site and in our art will be felt for years to come. His sister Nessie came along in 2001 and her Alpha tendencies and leadership skills were soon respected by all. Nessie was our first Scottie rescue and at the age of 4 she blended into our little pack with ease.
Our current Scotties in residence are Ajax and Big Tommy. Both are Scottie rescues from North Texas Scottish Terrier Rescue. Our pal Cheryl turned us on to these two very special boys after we lost Atticus to cancer. Nessie hung around just long enough to help us train these two wild boys and her maternal affection for one year old Ajax was quite a sweet devotion to witness. For months we referred to Ajax as Nessie's dog, and she became known as "Mama Nessie" during her last year with us.
You can click any photo above to read more about each of our Scotties, or check out the fun Scottish Terrier links to the right if you just want to surf around.
