art paws portraits

custom pet portraits in pixels and print !


Sepia Styled Pet Portraits

Classy shades of brown and pretty backgrounds. Our Sepia Pet Portraits can be customized with your favorite colors. With this style we turn your ordinary pet snapshots into stunning studio photographs.
sepia pet portrait
sepia pet portrait
sepia pet portrait
sepia pet portrait
sepia pet portrait
sepia pet portrait
sepia pet portrait
sepia pet portrait

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Dallas Texas888-225-4278email us
Site Design: Rebecca Lansdowne CollinsLast Updated: October 8, 2004

©2004 All rights reserved. Do not duplicate in any form without written permission
Any Content on this site that is a trademark, logo, or service mark is a registered trademark of The Art Paw Company. You are advised that The Art Paw company will aggressively enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law, including the seeking of criminal prosecution.