Looking for an older completed project?
Our proofs are archived and you may be able to find your pet by searching their name or breed:

Looking for a brand new proof?
If you placed your order within the past month we will e-mail you once your artwork is ready for review. Orders are worked on in the order they are received.
We need 3 things in order to start your project:
#1 Your Photo(s)
#2 Payment
#3 Your Contact info including address, phone and e-mail.
If you never made a payment on your order it may be held up on our pending board. Sometimes our e-mail invoices end up in our client's bulk folder or can be easily forgotten about. If you never received an invoice contact Rebecca by phone (888-225-4278). She can take your payment info by phone.

Check our calendar below to see if your project has been given an estimated proofing date. All calendar dates are rough estimates only.